
  •  ○ Process Flow Chart
  • Flow Chart
  •  ○ Advantages
  •    ● The timely payout for a successful project.
  •    ● On-time demand support.
  •    ● Dedicated employees for query resolution.
  •    ● Can work from your computer to complete the project on time in flexible time.
  •    ● No internet connection required to work, but only to download input file, required internet.
  •    ● Refund of registration fee after three successful payouts.
Project Name Book Typing
Project Description We will install an "Amigo" application on the user's computer, and share the input file via email to the user. The user needs to type the data in the same application without errors to get 100% accuracy. The user can get FULL PAYMENT as per the agreement, conditions follow.
Input Data We will provide input data files via email to the user.
Output Data By seeing the input data, the user needs to type the same in the Amigo application.
Project Count Minimum 1 project and Maximum 20 projects per person
Registration Fee INR 5,000/- + GST 18% Per project.
Payout for successful Grade A INR 50,000/- per project
Payout Rs. 200/- per page with 91%-100% accuracy
Accuracy Percentage Amount Payout Grade Payout
91%-100% INR 50,000/- (Full Project) Grade A
81%-90% INR 37,500/- (Full Project) Grade B
71%-80% INR 25,000/- (Full Project) Grade C
61%-70% INR 12,500/- (Full Project) Grade D
51%-60% INR 2,500/- (Full Project) Grade E
Below 50% INR 0/- (No Payout) Project Termination - No Next Project will be provided to the User.
Turn Around Time Registration : Immediate

Training : Within 24 to 36 hours of Registration.

Training Time : 10 minutes to 60 minutes.

Project Allocation : Within 24 to 36 hours of Registration.

Work Time : 18 Days, clock count starts after training successful email.
  •   ● Start time: After Training completion will receive an email from us to start work.
  •   ● End time: End time will also mention in email.
Work Submission : On time mentioned in email, if delayed in submission, will reject the project without any explanations, and no registration refund.

Workload 250 Pages will allocate in each project.
  • ● Any Computer with stable internet connection or mobile hotspot
  • ● Daily 3-4 hours spent
  • ● Basic system knowledge
  • ● Minimum English knowledge
  • ● Minimum typing skills
Tools Used Amigo software.
Refund of Registration Fee Upon three successful projects with any type of "Grade" payout, will refund the complete registration amount.
Conditions Please refer to do’s and don’ts and acknowledge before registration and double-check before work starts.
Quality Check Report and Payout We are endeavoring for excellence as well as to be on time. So we will share the report of user work within four business days and for successful projects payment will release within an hour after the report is generated.
  •  ○ Process Flow Chart
  • Flow Chart
  •  ○ Advantages
  •    ● The timely payout for a successful project.
  •    ● On-time demand support.
  •    ● Dedicated employees for query resolution.
  •    ● Can work from your computer to complete the project on time in flexible time.
  •    ● No internet connection required to work, but only to download input file, required internet.
  •    ● Refund of registration fee after three successful payouts.
Project Name Book Typing
Project Description We will install an "Amigo" application on the user's computer, and share the input file via email to the user. The user needs to type the data in the same application without errors to get 100% accuracy. The user can get FULL PAYMENT as per the agreement, conditions follow.
Input Data We will provide input data files via email to the user.
Output Data By seeing the input data, the user needs to type the same in the Amigo application.
Project Count Minimum 5 projects
Registration Fee INR 4,000/- + GST 18% Per project.
Payout for successful Grade A INR 20,000/- per project
Payout Rs. 80/- per page with 91%-100% accuracy
Accuracy Percentage Amount Payout Grade Payout
91%-100% INR 20,000/- (Full Project) Grade A
81%-90% INR 15,000/- (Full Project) Grade B
71%-80% INR 10,000/- (Full Project) Grade C
61%-70% INR 5,000/- (Full Project) Grade D
51%-60% INR 2,500/- (Full Project) Grade E
Below 50% INR 0/- (No Payout) Project Termination - No Next Project will be provided to the User.
Turn Around Time Registration : Immediate

Training : Within 24 to 36 hours of Registration.

Training Time : 10 minutes to 60 minutes.

Project Allocation : Within 24 to 36 hours of Registration.

Work Time : Minimum 1 day - 15 days maximum, clock count starts after training successful email.
  •   ● Start time: After Training completion will receive an email from us to start work.
  •   ● End time: End time will also mention in email.
Work Submission : Users can submit at any time after 1 day of the project allocated but before the End time mentioned in the email, if delayed in submission, will reject the project without any explanations, and no registration refund.

Workload 250 Pages will allocate in each project.
  • ● Any Computer with stable internet connection or mobile hotspot
  • ● Daily 3-4 hours spent
  • ● Basic system knowledge
  • ● Minimum English knowledge
  • ● Minimum typing skills
Tools Used Amigo software.
Refund of Registration Fee Upon three successful projects with any type of "Grade" payout, will refund the complete registration amount.
Conditions Please refer to do’s and don’ts and acknowledge before registration and double-check before work starts.
Quality Check Report and Payout We are endeavoring for excellence as well as to be on time. So we will share the report of user work within four business days and for successful projects payment will release within an hour after the report is generated.